I've been working on this flash for not to long now, I am around 900 frames, and the thing so far is about 1:14 seconds, if I'm not mistaken. This video will remind of robot chicken, just completely random, but instead of lots of gags about pop culture is it mostly internet culture, if such a thing exists, lots of parodies and such. I plan to make this around two and a half, too three minutes in length. After this is complete I will start designing the characters for my upcoming series, The Socially Awkward Adventures Of Prepubescent Boy, which I have the first script complete, but I have a very rough outline of what the characters will look like. So stay tuned, and prepare for some output in coming days/weeks. I plan for Ridiculously Retarded Randomness to be complete by the end of next week, AT THE LATEST, and from there I shall begin developing/making the first episode of Socially Awkward Adventures Of Prepubescent Boy.
Haha, nice little picture I drew in school.(: